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Stud Services

Choose one of our males to inseminate your female.

*stud fee varies per dog

* 2 pup guarantee 

* rebreed if unsuccessful

* message us for further information in regards to any of our studs 


Microchipping animals helps owners and pets find each other easier if one ever was to get lost. Can also be used in an identification tool for theft of a animal.

*Microchip is provided 

*Registering microchip is responsibility of owner

*Reputable companies will be recommended





Cornafication of cells often indicates where female is in heat cycle and when it is optimal for breeding. 

*Good to use on bitch in season with irregular progesterone readings. 


Ultrasound Pregnancy Confirmations-ONLY

*Females must be past 30 days into whelp date before ultrasound can be done.

*Ultrasound will not provide a puppy count- will confirm pups only. 


Progestrone Test &

Reverse Progestrone Test

Progesterone Testing -have your females hormone level detected for optimal time of breeding (results in 30 minutes) 
Reverse Progesterone Testing -have your females hormone levels detected to know when it is safe for delivery of puppies  (results in 30 minutes)

AI-Aritfical Insemination &

Semen Analysis-by microscope

Artificial Insemination - collection and breeding

Semen Evaluation - using a microscope to evaluate look and density of semen 

Awakening chilled semen - awaken the semen, confirm it’s alive and of quality,  before inseminating female. (live breedings only- no surgical or TCI) 

AI Kits

Used for artificial insemination

*includes enough items for 5 breedings

-5 single use lube packages (3.5g each)

-5 10ml single use syringes

-5 pairs of gloves

-5 collection bags

-5 single use semen catheter rods 
(small, medium & large)


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